KlikFix makes it quick and easy to book jobs around the house.

Select a service, pick date and time
and add photos

Ordering is fast and easy. Simply select the service you need, provide a short description or upload photos of what you need to get done and designate the date and time that work best for your schedule. All of our rates are pre-set to the industry average, so you know what you're paying without having to do research or price compare.

We match you with
a KlikFix Pro

Once you place your order, we'll match you with a nearby KlikFix Pro. Each of our Pros has met our high standards and has gone through a vetting process.

Pay directly through
the app

Once our KlikFix Pro is done with your order, you'll be able to pay via credit card and rate them.

A number of trusted KlikFix Pros are awaiting
your service requests in your area.

Are you interested in becoming a KlikFix Pro?

Download our app and sign in as a KlikFix Pro to go through our sign-up process:

Contact us: support@klikfix.net